jueves, 22 de abril de 2021


April 22.- As expectations from customers, investors and employees intensify, climate action has become a strategic imperative for A.P. Moller - Maersk. The industry leader is stepping up efforts to decarbonise shipping with the first carbon-neutral vessel to hit the waters in 2023.

Not unlike shipping, the fashion sector is widely regarded as one of the most environmentally damaging industries. In fact, the fashion industry accounts for 10% of humanity’s carbon emissions, which is more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined, according to the World Economic Forum.

For many years, one of the largest players in the industry, H&M Group, has worked seriously to reduce its footprint, meeting the high consumer demand for sustainable, yet affordable clothing.

“Sustainability is the main focus in whatever we're doing. We are very tough on it and we put a huge demand on our service providers in the supply chain,” says Mats Samuelsson, Senior Vice President of Global Logistics at H&M.

The company has an ambition to become climate positive by 2040. In one of many joint projects, the clothing retailer has chosen Maersk ECO Delivery to make its ocean transportation more sustainable. This shipping product uses carbon-neutral biofuel to power selected Maersk vessels and helps H&M to make progress towards its ambitious goals.


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